Test/Measure for Career Guid

Spring 2024


This is a course in career assessment. Students explore the foundational issues in psychometrics, including the nature and uses of paper and online tests, ethical considerations, and concerns in test administration. Students administer assessments such as the Myers Briggs, Strong Vocational Interest Inventory, Barriers to Employment Success, Offender Reintegration Inventory, Military to Career, The COP System, and various Holland assessments. Classes of vocational assessments and their exemplars will be presented. Assessment batteries for special needs clients will also be examined. Students consider issues which are of specific concern when using formal assessment tools in decision making in career interventions. Interpretations of specific instruments and the relationship of formal assessments to other modes of information gathering will be discussed.
Prerequisite: SOSC 509, senior standing.

Class Notes

The class is offered entirely live online and meets at set days/times. Students may attend the live class online synchronously on Wednesdays at 5:30 - 8:20pm OR watch recordings of the class asynchronously.

Class Details

Instructor Name (static text): 
Ryan, Shawn W


Class Registration Information

Class #
SOSC 510 -
Price TBA:
  • $ / unit
Class Meeting Dates

01/22/2024 - 05/17/2024




SOSC 510 - SECT 72

Test/Measure for Career Guid

Class: 1771 Units: 3

M-F 01/22/2024 - 05/17/2024 TBA

This is a course in career assessment. Students explore the foundational issues in psychometrics, including the nature and uses of paper and online tests, ethical considerations, and concerns in test administration. Students administer assessments such as the Myers Briggs, Strong Vocational Interest Inventory, Barriers to Employment Success, Offender Reintegration Inventory, Military to Career, The COP System, and various Holland assessments. Classes of vocational assessments and their exemplars will be presented. Assessment batteries for special needs clients will also be examined. Students consider issues which are of specific concern when using formal assessment tools in decision making in career interventions. Interpretations of specific instruments and the relationship of formal assessments to other modes of information gathering will be discussed.
Prerequisite: SOSC 509, senior standing.

Class Notes

This is a course in career assessment. Students explore the foundational issues in psychometrics, including the nature and uses of paper and online tests, ethical considerations, and concerns in test administration. Students administer assessments such as the Myers Briggs, Strong Vocational Interest Inventory, Barriers to Employment Success, Offender Reintegration Inventory, Military to Career, The COP System, and various Holland assessments. Classes of vocational assessments and their exemplars will be presented. Assessment batteries for special needs clients will also be examined. Students consider issues which are of specific concern when using formal assessment tools in decision making in career interventions. Interpretations of specific instruments and the relationship of formal assessments to other modes of information gathering will be discussed.

Instructor Name (static text): 
Ryan, Shawn W